Monday, December 19, 2016

What is Wanderlust & What Does it Mean to Be a Wanderful Soul?

Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style

Terms like 'wanderful', 'wanderlust', and 'wanderer'  have started to become more prominent in describing the dream lifestyle of those who love to travel. There's something quite magical about the thought of traveling and experiencing the world indefinitely. If you think so too, you are undeniably a wanderful soul who falls victim to wanderlust. But, what does exactly does that mean?

What Is Wanderlust?

According to Merriam-Webster, "The etymology of wanderlust is a very simple one that you can probably figure out yourself. 'Wanderlust' is lust (or 'desire') for wandering. The word comes from German, in which wandern means 'to wander,' and Lust means 'desire.'" Or in other words, wanderlust is exactly as it sounds, a lust to wander / travel.

What Does Wanderful Mean?

If you have any type of wanderlust, you are of course a wanderful soul. Wanderful is an adjective that describes anyone who has a desire for travel, roaming the land, and being as free as the wind. It describes anyone with an apatite and wanderlust for experiencing the world. For an even better description, here is the definition from Urban Dictionary:

"(adjective) to describe a person who randomly roams, wanders, meanders, rambles, stumbles, or strays in a full-time mode. Can also be used to describe the mind."

To be a wanderful soul is a way of life. It is a person who lives freely and lives life the way it should be, happily experiencing the world. Travel broadens our minds and deepens our souls, we should jump at any chance we get to take a trip, no matter the duration of time or distance it takes us. Travel is definitely a privilege and if you are lucky enough be be able to travel often, don't take it for granted and get up and go!

Check out some photos below that I snapped frolicking around in Wimberley, Texas. Inspire the wanderful soul within you.

Do you consider yourself a Wanderful Soul?
Or do you have your own definition of a Wanderful Soul?
Let me know in the comments below!

Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style
Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style
Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style
Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style
Wanderlust wild and free | travel photography | boho hippie fashion | bohemian style


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  1. Great post! Those terms are used to much these days it's good to know the actual definition. Your photos are great as well!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the post! :)
